When in doubt… seek law out! Refer the student to Gina Huffman, who is the Assistant Director of Law Admissions. Her contact information is below. She is very open to helping students wherever they are in their academic careers.
Gina Huffman
Assistant Director, Law Admissions
(216) 687-5317
Work it out at a workshop! Invite students to the Demystifying Law School Workshop.
Transcripts are important! Encourage students to take courses that demonstrate an interest in law (e.g. political science; philosophy; Latin; logic & reasoning courses). Some of these courses help with LSAT preparedness. Admissions/faculty members want to accept students that have a somewhat clear pathway to law and are not applying on a whim.
Student involvement has its advantages! Encourage students to become involved with the CSU Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity. This coed undergraduate professional development student organization meets in the law school and has frequent contact with the law school community at C|M|LAW. Many students that are involved in this student organization apply to C|M|LAW and some are accepted.
Writing has weight! Faculty members review law school applications and pay close attention to writing, as well as LSAT scores, recommendations and the student’s personal statement.
Experiences standout! Law schools recognize the importance of shadowing experiences, volunteer experiences and internships that align with law.
Avoid the cliché! Have students tell their unique story in their personal statements and avoid cliché statements like “I am pursuing law because I want to help people.”
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