Handshake is our online job board which hosts internships, co-ops, student employment opportunities and permanent positions with top employers from all over the country. Update your profile, upload your resume and cover letter, search for internships and jobs that align with your studies—and apply!
BE DISCERNING when looking at internship and job opportunities. Note reliability ratings, and think critically about whether the opportunity allows you to apply what you’ve learned in the classroom or in your career thus far.
If you have a CSU ID and password:
Click here to log in.
Select Cleveland State University as your school.
Enter your CSUIDnumber@vikes.csuohio.edu and password.
If you do not have a (or have forgotten your) CSU ID and password:
Please contact Campus411 All-in-1 Enrollment Services at (216) 687-5411. They will assist you in obtaining your CSU ID and password. After you have received it, click here to log in.
Select Cleveland State University as your school.
Enter your CSUIDnumber@vikes.csuohio.edu and password.
Learn more about the value of using Handshake by watching the video below!