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NEW! excel & earn:
the career development
incentive program
Earn VikingCash and reach your post-graduation goals! Currently enrolled CSU students are now eligible to participate in CDE's BRAND NEW incentive program. This program will continue in the Spring 2024 semester and the fall earnings you've accrued that were not submitted will still count.
Attend career development events and participate in activities that contribute to your future goals.
Simplified for SPRING 2024! Attend any THREE events + one Bonus Opportunity and earn $50. Attend any SIX events + two Bonus Opportunities and earn a maximum of $100 this semester! (Fall events not submitted last semester...still count!)
Every CDE Event listed below is a qualifying event (see event page for details and registration)!
On-Campus: Do's and Don'ts​ - 1/25/24
Federal Jobs Info Session - 1/30/24
Interviewing for Graduate Students - 2/7/24
All About: Resume and Career Fair Prep - 2/8/24
Tech Day - 2/20/24
Pre-Professional Application Kick-Off - 2/21/24
Engineering Connections - 2/22/24
Health Professions Fair - 2/29/24
Spring 2024 Career Fair - 3/6/24
All About: Networking and LinkedIn - 3/21/24
Pre-Professional "How Do I Get In?" - 3/27/24
All About: Interviewing and Elevator Pitch - 3/28/24
Pre-Professional Writing Workshop - 4/10/24
Dress for Success - 4/16 & 4/17/24
Pre-Professional ACCEPTED! - 5/1/24
Bonus Opportunities:​
Get a headshot in our CSU Headshot Photo Booth​
Fill out your Handshake profile to 80% or above
Submit your resume via Resume Drop or
Complete a Resume Review in Person
Be sure to keep track of your own events and activities! Students can cash-in in $50 increments and are eligible to earn up to $100 per semester (maximum).
Once you reach $50, fill out the form below to let us know what events and activities you participated in. VikingCash will be deposited onto your VikingCard within 1-2 weeks.
You must have a VikingCard in order to receive VikingCash. If you have any questions, reach out to CDE at
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