Career events such as a career fair are great networking opportunities and present a great deal of information in a short amount of time.

Attending a career fair for the first time can be a little overwhelming; but a preparation is the key to success. A career fair is basically a chance to network with employers. Many employers may not be currently hiring but want a chance to get to know you and talk about their company. Here are some tips for making the best use of your time.

Research employers.
View the list of employer attendees before the fair. Visit their websites and familiarize yourself with their products, services and recent news. Strategically prioritize the list to maximize your time.
You might also contact alumni who currently work for that organization using LinkedIn.

Dress to impress. (And
If you’re seeking potential employment (either full-time job or internship), it's usually appropriate to wear a suit or professional attire. In some situations, such as networking receptions or employer information sessions, business-casual attire is often acceptable.
If you are not sure what the standards are, it's a good idea to ask career services. Leave the stilettos, short skirts, and book bags at home. Bring a plain dark folder (leather) to hold your resumes and any information you pick up.

Come prepared.
Make a list of major points and questions for each employer. Consult your notes just before approaching their booth.
Don’t eliminate companies because they are recruiting for positions outside your field; take the time to network with the recruiter and get the name of a hiring manager for your particular field.