PRE-Occupational therapy ACADEMIC COURSEWORK
Since Cleveland State University is fortunate enough to have our own Master of Occupational Therapy Program, the courses outlined below are specifically for our program. Please note that there are several Occupational Therapy Programs in the state of Ohio, and an online directory of programs can be found on the American Occupational Therapy Association website.
It is highly recommended that you make an appointment with your pre-professional advisor prior to enrolling in any prerequisites for OT school. A pre-professional advisor will review your plans, your progress and discuss future courses of action.
Students are also encouraged to review the Master of Occupational Therapy at Cleveland State University website in full and to contact the department for an advising appointment. Students can also contact the program for an advising appointment.
​Physiology and Lab
HSC 422/450 or BIO 422/423
​Human Gross Anatomy and Lab
HSC 475/457
HSC 381
Neuroscience and Lab
HSC 476/478
Life Span Development
PSY 223
Abnormal Psychology
PSY 345
Upper-Level Statistics
PSY 317 or STA 347
Medical Terminology
HSC 203
All courses must be completed with a C or better. Four of the eight (including a minimum of two sciences) must be completed by deadline of application.
Additional Course Recommendations: Please see Pre-Professional Health Programs for additional recommendations.
The above list is not comprehensive. Each OT school may have slightly different requirements and it is the responsibility of the student to take prerequisite courses according to the schools he or she plans to apply to.