Read these helpful do's and don'ts of emails before you hit that send button to an employer, colleague, classmate, or faculty member.

DO: Personalize
Do not use “hey “or “Yo” for a greeting
DO: Always Check Before Clicking Send
One of the worst feelings is clicking send and then realizing you missed something, didn’t attach a document, or misspelled something or relied on spellcheck. Make sure you are always responding to the person who sent you the email.
DO: Keep Messages Short
There’s no point in dragging an email with fluff, get straight to the point. Bullet points work well if you have important questions
DO: Remember Some Things are Safer Kept Private
“Oh, you just got back from your buddies bachelor party in Las Vegas? Oh, you want to email me those pictures?”
DON’T: Abbrv8… I Mean, Abbreviate
“thx” and “lol” or “c u r @ wrk l8r” should never cross your mind when emailing at work .
DON’T: !!!!!!!!!
Overuse of exclamation points, or the dreaded “caps lock email” as yelling.
DON’T: :) or :(
The use of emoticons is not appropriate in work place
DON’T: Send the One Word “Okay” or “Thanks” Response
Really annoying! We all want to cut down on the amount of email we get.