"Know thy self" is sage advice when trying to figure out the job market. Here are a list of self-assessment questions to help you with that process.
What activities absorb my attention?
What situations energize me?
What words would I use to describe myself?
How would others describe me?
What do I dream of doing, but never seem to get to?
What subject areas am I most passionate about?
What activities am I best at?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
What skills do I want to use in a job?
What skills do I need to develop?
What personal rewards do I seek in a career? $, recognition, work/life balance?
In what ways must I be challenged on the job? Physically, intellectually, creatively?
What activities bring me greatest satisfaction?
In what type of work environment would I be happy? By myself? Brainstorming in a group?
Personal Traits
What personal qualities will help me be successful at work?
Am I able to get along with supervisors? Co-workers? The public?
Does my personal style enhance my work with people, data or things?
What are the work settings and job functions that interest me?
What can I do to explore and prepare for these options?
What related course work and hands on experiences would be beneficial?