The course requirements for veterinary school vary by school, so it is highly recommended that a student make an appointment with the Pre-Veterinary coach prior to enrolling in any prerequisites for veterinary school. A pre-professional coach will review your plans, your progress and discuss future courses of action. Contact our CDE Pre-Professional Team with questions via email or to schedule a coaching appointment on Handshake.
Ross University Veterinary Medicine Academic Course Requirements
The list below provides a guideline for courses that Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine Requires. Due to our affiliation agreement with Ross University, students must complete these courses successfully and then will apply to Ross University via VMCAS or their university website.
​Inro to Biology I with Lab
BIO 200/201
​Inro to Biology II with Lab
BIO 202/203
General Chemistry I with Lab
CHM 261/266
General Chemistry II with Lab
CHM 262/267
Organic Chemistry I with Lab
CHM 331/336
College Physics I with Lab or Physics with Biomedical Applications I with Lab
PHY 221or 231
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology or Biochemistry I
BIO 306 or CHM 402
Students opting for Biochemistry I must also complete Organic Chemistry II
Cell Biology or Genetics
SBIO 308/309 or BIO 310/311
English Composition I
ENG 101
Students are encouraged to take at least one Math course between Pre-Calculus, Calculus, and Statistics
Nine semester hours of electives
Students choose at least one from the approved list: Comparative Anatomy, Medical Terminology, Nutrition, Physiology, Microbiology, Foreign Language, Public Speaking, Introduction to Business
Additional Course Recommendations:
For detailed descriptions of these and other courses, refer to the Ross University College of Veterinary Medicine Prerequisites.
Additional Information about Veterinary Medicine Academic Course Requirements:
Many students apply to multiple veterinary medical schools. Each school has their own requirements and the above list is not comprehensive for all veterinary schools and programs. Each school may have slightly different requirements and it is the responsibility of the student to take prerequisite courses according to the schools they plan to apply to.
For specific information about individual veterinary school course prerequisites, consult one of the schools listed at American Association for Veterinary Medical Colleges.