The table below indicates the courses required for Pre-Pharmacy and which courses are required by NEOMED and LECOM.
​Biology and Other Life Science Sequence (NEOMED & LECOM Required)
BIO 200 Introductory Biology I (3 credits)
BIO 201 Introductory Biology I Lab (1 credit)
BIO 202 Introductory Biology II (3 credits)
BIO 203 Introductory Biology II Lab (1 credit)
​Microbiology (NEOMED Required)
BIO 264 Microbiology (3 credits)
BIO 265 Microbiology Lab (1 credit)
​Anatomy & Physiology (NEOMED Required)
BIO 266 Anatomy & Physiology I (3 credits)
BIO 267 Anatomy & Physiology I Lab (1 credit)
BIO 268 Anatomy & Physiology II (3 credits) *A&PI and lab are required. II is recommended
BIO 269 Anatomy & Physiology II Lab (1 credit)
​General Chemistry Sequence (NEOMED & LECOM Required)
CHM 261 General Chemistry I (4 credits)
CHM 266 General Chemistry I Lab (1 credit)
CHM 262 General Chemistry II (4 credits)
CHM 267 General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit)
​Organic Chemistry Sequence (NEOMED & LECOM Required)
CHM 331 Organic Chemistry I (4 credits)
CHM 336 Organic Chemistry I Lab (1 credit)
CHM 332 Organic Chemistry II (4 credits)
CHM 337 Organic Chemistry II Lab (1 credit)
​General Physics Sequence (NEOMED & LECOM Required)
PHY 231 College Physics I - Biomedical Applications (4 credits)* or PHY 221 College Physics I (5 credits) or PHY 241 University Physics I (5 credits) or PHY 243H University Physics I Honors (5 credits)
Biochemistry Sequence (NEOMED Required)
CHM 402 Biochemistry I (3 credits) or BIO 306/7 Biochemistry & Recitation (4 credits)
Calculus (NEOMED & LECOM Required)
MTH 181 Calculus I (4 credits) or MTH 181H Honors Calculus (4 credits)
Statistics (NEOMED & LECOM Required)
STA 147 Statistical Concepts with Applications (3 credits) or PSY 317 Behavioral Science Statistics (3 credits) or SOC 354 Quantitive Sociology Research (3 credits)
Economics (LECOM Required) (CSU Recommended Course*)
ANY Economics Course
CSU recommends ECN 202 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits) (LECOM required)
Literature or Composition (NEOMED & LECOM Required) (CSU Recommended Course*)
ANY English Composition and/or Literature Courses
CSU recommends ENG 100 Intensive College Writing (3 credits) or ENG 101 College Writing I
(3 credits)
CSU recommends ENG 102 College Writing II (3 credits) or ENG 102H College Writing II Honors
(3 credits)​
Psychology (NEOMED & LECOM Required) (CSU Recommended Course*)
ANY Psychology Course
CSU recommends PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology (4 credits)
Elective Courses
ANY courses in the areas of humanities, social sciences, business, computer literacy, and additional coursework in other prerequisite categories to total 72
NEOMED requires a minimum of 63 hours prior to matriculation
LECOM requires a minimum of 60 hours prior to matriculation
The above list is not comprehensive for all pharmacy schools. Each school may have slightly different requirements and it is the responsibility of the student to take prerequisite courses according to the schools they plan to apply to.