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Career Development & Exploration is located on the second floor in Rhodes West 280, which is on the plaza level (i.e. level above street level).


Central Garage (CG)

1900 E. 21st Street

Cleveland, Ohio 44115

(One way – south between Euclid Ave. and Chester Ave.)

Map of Career Services location with surrounding campus buildings. Career services office is located in Rhodes West room 280.


Directions from the South (I-77)

Follow I-77 north to the East 22nd/East 14th Street exit (#162B) to East 22nd Street. Turn left onto East 22nd Street; drive several blocks to Euclid Avenue. See map for visitor parking locations.


Directions from the South (I-71)

Follow I-71 north to the East 22nd Street exit (#172B). Turn left onto East 22nd Street; drive several blocks to Euclid Avenue. See map for visitor parking locations.


Directions from the East

Follow I-90 west to the Chester Avenue/CSU exit (#173B). Turn left onto East 24th Street; drive a half block to Chester Avenue. See map for visitor parking locations.


Directions from the West (I-90)

Follow I-90 east to the East 22nd Street exit (#172B). Turn left onto East 22nd Street; drive several blocks to Euclid Avenue. See map for visitor parking locations.


Directions from the West (Route 2)

Follow the Shoreway (Route 2) east to I-77/I-71 South. Exit at the Chester Avenue/CSU exit (#173B). Turn left onto East 24th Street; drive a half block to Chester Avenue. See map for visitor parking locations.



Please note Career Development only assists current Cleveland State students, faculty, staff, and alumni. 


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